New Friends
When I created The Scone Goddess, it was a way to meet my community. The journey over the last three years has been amazing! When I ventured out to the Farmer's Market to sell my fresh baked scones one day a week, I never envisioned that the community I would meet would span the entire US!
Every day I meet a new friend. Sometimes you reach out with a question online. Maybe we connected in person at my bakery or at an event. You started as a customer, or a vender or a business we collaborate with.
You have shared your stories with me. First they were scone stories, then they were your travels. Your marriages. Your children. You even made a special trip to Maine to meet my team! I'll never forget when Joel G. visited from North Carolina. Never has anyone entered our doors with such enthusiasm! To this day, everytime I see his name, I get a big smile on my face. :)
Sadly, sometimes your stories are not happy ones. Some of you..... we have lost.
Recently, a mother and her daughter came in to the bakery. The mother said her father had loved coming to The Scone Goddess. I was baking and only heard part of her comment, missing the "had loved." I asked who her father was. She said, "My father is Charlie. well, we just lost him." I looked at my daughter in shock. I said, "Charlie? Our Charlie?" Charlie had been one of our favorite new friends. He always chose his two scones carefully; Blueberry Lemon and Raspberry Cream, pointing and saying, "Ooh. That One Right there!" Charlie always had a smile and kind words. A tip about the best beach. A sweet story about seeing his grand children. We loved seeing him. I went around my counter and hugged the mom and her daughter. Everyone was crying. But, I hope they understood that we loved Charlie, too. That he made an impact on us. I hope knowing that gave them comfort.
Everyday my daughter Riah and I wake up with enthusiasm to get to work and start baking our scones for you. We never know what the day will bring. We do know that we look forward to seeing our friends. You make our days so fulfilling. I wanted to share this, because, I don't think that you know the impact that you have on us. We love and appreciate you.
I always tell my husband that I am making the world a better place. One scone at a time. But, I am wrong. You are doing this!
Keep sharing your pictures, your stories, your smiles!
Barb and The Scone Goddess 2-23 (Photo courtesy of BeingBarb.com)
Bob & Sheri with The Scone Goddess. 9-22